Explore our comprehensive van insurance solutions, uniquely tailored to your specific needs.

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Protect your business from unforeseen risks with our comprehensive liability insurance.

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Safeguard your entire fleet with our cost-effective insurance solutions for your business.

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Our haluage insurance offers robust coverage and peace of mind for your transport business.


See Who Saved With Us On Van Insurance

van driver Keelin who saved on insurance

Keelin, Co. Waterford

Saved €676 (51%)

Keelin (27) a young engineer from Waterford was looking for cheap van insurance after being quoted €1318 to renew his policy. With the help of, Keelin was able to save 51% on his van insurance to keep his business moving.

Name Keelin
Address Co. Waterford
Age 27
Gender Male
Occupation Engineer
Drivers Insured Only Driving
Use Own Goods
Van Type Citroen Berlingo
Value Of Vehicle €1,600
Cover Third Party, Fire & Theft
Penalty Points None
No Claims Bonus 5 years Named Driving Experience
Previous Claims None
Driving Convictions None
Licence Full
Matthew saved on his commercial vehicle insurance quote

Matthew, Dublin

Saved €800 (53%)

Matthew (35) a carpenter from Dublin, was looking to secure a van insurance quote to fit his budget after being quoted €1507 to renew his policy. enabled Matthew to make a €800 saving on his commercial van.

Name Matthew
Address Dublin
Age 35
Gender Male
Occupation Carpenter
Drivers Insured Driving Only
Use Own Goods
Van Type VW Caddy 1.9L
Value Of Vehicle €1,700
Cover Third Party, Fire & Theft
Penalty Points None
No Claims Bonus 2 years Names Driving Experience
Previous Claims None
Driving Convictions None
Licence Full
van driver Pat who saved on insurance

Pat, Co. Clare

Saved €479 (52%)

Pat (66) was searching the market for attractive van insurance quotes after being quoted €906 to renew his current policy. stepped in to help the construction worker make a massive saving of €479 on his van insurance.

Name Pat
Address Co. Clare
Age 66
Gender Male
Occupation Construction worker
Drivers Open Drive
Use Own Goods
Van Type Opel Vivaro 2L
Value Of Vehicle €8,500
Cover Comprehensive
Penalty Points None
No Claims Bonus 5 years +
Previous Claims None
Driving Convictions None
Licence Full
Brian saved on his van insurance quote

Brian, Co. Cork

Saved €264 (39%)

Brian (26) a metal worker from Cork, was looking to get a competitive quote for van insurance in Ireland. After being quoted for over €663, Brian approached and managed to save over 39% by securing a €399 policy.

Name Brian
Address Co. Cork
Age 26
Gender Male
Occupation Metal worker
Drivers Insured Only Driving
Use Own Goods
Van Type Ford Transit Connect
Value Of Vehicle €8,000
Cover Third Party, Fire & Theft
Penalty Points None
No Claims Bonus 5 years +
Previous Claims None
Driving Convictions None
Licence Full

*For data protection reasons these are not real client names. The savings are based on the details above. Quotations are based on 2023-2024 rates supplied to by various insurers.

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Need Accident, Breakdown, Broken Windscreen or Claims Assistance?

Our Clients Know it Best!

Discover firsthand experiences of businesses and van owners who have benefited from our tailored van insurance solutions. Join the ranks of delighted clients who have secured their vehicles with us, and experience peace of mind knowing that your van is in safe hands. Read their stories and choose for comprehensive and dependable van insurance coverage in Ireland.

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Do you have a question about van insurance? View our FAQ’s or contact a member of our team on our Customer Care page.

Frequently Asked Questions

What to do in the event of a Claim, Accident, Breakdown or Broken Windscreen?

Claim or Accident

If you need to make a Claim on your policy or if you’ve had an Accident, please contact the relevant insurance company via the emergency numbers below:

Insurance Company Claim or Accident Number
Allianz 1800 779 999
ARB 01 406 1600
AXA 1890 247 365
Aviva 1890 666 888
Liberty 1850 858 530
Kennco 01 499 4600
Patrona 053 918 0313
Wrightway 053 916 7100
Zurich 1890 208 408

Breakdown Assistance

If you have Breakdown Assistance on your van insurance policy and need to avail of this service, please contact the relevant insurance company via the emergency numbers below:

Insurance Company Breakdown Assistance Number
ARB 1890 253 033
Aviva 1800 448 888
AXA 1890 247 365
Kennco 1890 670 670
Patrona 1800 806 800
Zurich 1890 208 408

Windscreen Replacement

If you have Windscreen Replacement on your van insurance policy and need to avail of this service, please contact the relevant insurance company via the emergency numbers below:

Insurance Company Windscreen Replacement Number
Allianz 1850 887 185
ARB 1850 887 185
Aviva 1850 887 185
AXA 1850 887 185
Kennco 1890 201 212
Liberty 1850 887 185
Patrona 1890 201 212
Wrightway 1890 201 212
Zurich 1890 201 212

*Please refer to your policy schedule to check if you are covered for breakdown and windscreen assistance.

What happens after you purchase an insurance policy with

At we like to make things quick and easy for our clients. Our van insurance specialists will bring you through the process with the minimum fuss, all we require are some documentation that can easily be obtained.


Once you have paid for your van insurance policy we will issue you a cover letter within 1 week. This will be posted to your home address. The cover letter will confirm that we have placed insurance cover on your van and it will also set out what we require you to do. Typically, this will require you to sign a proposal form. When signing the proposal please check that all the information is correct. If you believe that any of the details are incorrect please contact our customer support team 01 660 6900.


We will most likely also ask for a copy of all drivers licences (make sure to copy the front and back of the licence). If you have held previous insurance in your own name, we will require a letter of no claims bonus from your last insurer. If you have been a named driver on someone else’s policy, we will require a letter of driving experience. There may be other documents we require such as the vehicle licensing certificate or a medical certificate. All these documents will be outlined on the cover note.

What is a No Claims Bonus Certificate and how can I get one?

What is a No Claims Bonus Certificate and why do we need it?

For every year you are driving without an accident or a claim, you are entitled to a year’s no claims discount. These discounts are then used to reduce your insurance premium. Usually, this is obtained at the renewal stage of your insurance policy and is issued with your renewal invitation pack.

As we give a discount and reduce your insurance premium for having claims free driving, we need to see proof so that we can keep that discount in place.

What you should do if you require a copy?

Below are some of the questions we hear most when it comes to requesting your certificate of no claims bonus.

  • My policy is due for renewal with and I need my proof of no claims bonus
    When your policy with falls due for renewal, we will automatically post you out a renewal invitation pack. You should receive your renewal invitation approximately 21 days before your renewal date. In this you will find your certificate of no claims bonus. Please check this pack carefully as should you require a duplicate certificate of no claims bonus, we will have to request it for you and it can take up to 7 working days before you receive it. Please click HERE to request a duplicate certificate.
  • I was previously insured with and I need my No Claims Bonus Certificate
    As your certificate of no claims would have already been issued to you with your renewal invitation pack, we will have to request a duplicate certificate. Please note that it can take up to 7 working days before you receive your certificate of no claims bonus. To request a duplicate please click HERE.
When should I receive my insurance certificate & disc?

Once we have received the proposal form, requested documents and payment, an annual insurance certificate and disc will be issued to you.

How can I make a change or cancel an existing policy?


To make a change to your existing van insurance policy please call us on 01 660 6900, select option 1 ( and then option 4 (All Other Queries) or email [email protected]. The most common changes are listed below:

  • Change of Vehicle: If you have a new van or if you have been provided with a temporary vehicle due to repairs, just contact our office where our team will ask for some information on the vehicle and the changeover can be done immediately.
  • Adding Drivers: If you wish to add a driver to your policy, you will need to provide us with the following information: name, date of birth and driving/claims history. If you wish to remove a driver, just notify one of the team and we can process it over the phone.
  • Proposal Form: If there is some information on your proposal form which is incorrect or you wish to query, you can amend the form itself, sign it and email to [email protected] or call us for further clarification.

*PLEASE NOTE: No cover will be in place for any alterations until confirmed by us.


The cancellation process is hassle free. Simply return your insurance certificate and disc to our office with a letter confirming you wish to cancel your policy.
If you wish to suspend your policy, just complete the same process and give us a call to reinstate your policy. Importantly, suspending your policy is a great alternative to cancelling a policy as it means you don’t need to start all over again!

FAQ for Commercial van insurance
Frequently Asked Questions for Commercial van insurance in Ireland
How do I make a claim?

Sometimes claims can be stressful, so we aim to make the claims process as quick and easy as possible. You will find the contact numbers for the relevant insurance company’s claims team HERE. If you have been involved in an incident and are unsure what to do, just call us on 01 660 6900 and we’ll be happy to help.

What happens if I miss a Direct Debit?

Immediately contact or your insurance company if you have missed a payment as this could result with your van insurance policy being cancelled.


If you have missed a direct debit and wish to make payment, please call us on (01) 660 6900, select option 1 ( and then option 3 (Direct Debit).

Alternatively, you can contact the following insurers to pay them directly:

AXA – 01 858 3470
Allianz – 01 6133 909
Liberty – 1890 907 681
Zurich – 0539 157 346
Close Premium Finance – 1890 928 281

Can I transfer my No Claims Bonus if I want to change from a car to a van?

Absolutely, yes. Without a doubt, we can arrange to match the No Claims Bonus you have earned on your private car and transfer this discount to the van.

Does owning a private car affect my van insurance quote?

At we have exclusive discounts for van drivers who either have a private car or are named on their partner’s/spouse’s private car policy. Simply ask one of our Van Insurance specialists for more details.

What are the ‘Open Drive’ and ‘Bonus Protection’ options?
  • Open Drive: Open Drive gives you the freedom to let someone else drive your van on a day to day basis. The general conditions would be a fully licensed driver with a clean history. Please refer to your policy booklet for full details of age and license restrictions. Notably, Open Drive will never cover you to drive another vehicle through your own policy.
  • Bonus Protection: There are two types of bonus protection: Step-back Protection and Full Bonus Protection. Generally, Step-back Protection will protect two years of your No Claims Bonus depending on your bonus level. However, Full Bonus Protection will protect your bonus entirely. Please refer to your policy booklet for more information on your level of bonus protection.

The latest from our van insurance blog

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Young Drivers Insurance
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Taxi Insurance Ireland
Women's Car Insurance

Insure My Van is a division of the City Financial Marketing Group – one of Ireland’s leading companies in the fields of personal, commercial, and motor insurance.

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